Occupational Drivers License Travis County Texas 4,0/5 6630reviews

Filing fees pay for the services provided by the Travis County. If you have not been granted an occupational license. Detailed Civil Fee Information. Occupational License. Travis County Jail; Make a Payment. First, if you know you need an occupational driver’s license.
Hours of Operation Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Services Provided For those representing themselves in Travis County civil courts, the Law Library’s Self-Help Center can provide forms and information. In many agreed cases, the reference attorneys can meet with family law litigants to answer questions and review paperwork. Reference Attorney Services Family Law Cases If you have an uncontested family law case, in Travis County, you must have your forms reviewed by a reference attorney at the Law Library's Walk-In Case Review before going to court to finish your case. Please click the link below for more information on Walk In Case Review and Reference Attorney Services.
Spotlight On Mysql Keygen. Occupational Drivers License Cases The reference attorney can review your paperwork before you go to court and walk you through the steps of requesting an occupational driver's license. Please click the link below for more information on reference attorney services for Occupational Driver's License Cases. *Parts of this directory entry contains excerpted portions of the Law Library Website. FREE, Not for Sale: The information and forms available on this website are free. They are not for sale. By using this website, you agree not to sell or make a profit in any way from any information or forms that you obtained through this website.
Funding: This website is supported by the Texas Access to Justice Foundation. The Texas Bar Foundation provided funding for website design. For more useful information go to the Texas Office of Court Administration's website,. TexasLawHelp.org All Rights Reserved.
Determining Your Driver’s License Suspension. The first step to obtaining an Occupational License is to know why your Texas Driver’s License has been suspended in the first place. Certian types of suspensions require different remedies and documents to obtain an Occupational License. You’ll also want to know how long your suspension is for, since Occupational Licenses are only valid for up to two years (although we can extend it, if needed). We can usually give you a pretty good idea over the phone as to what you may need to start driving legally, but you can also check with Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to be certain, by calling DPS directly at 512-424-2600, or by visiting their website, Next, you’ll want to figure out how you want to use your Occupational License. Hotwind Sauna Manual Treadmill.
You can use an Occupational License for up to 12 hours per day, 7 days a week, but only to go 1) to and from work, 2) to drive during your job, if your employer requires it, 3) to and from school or classes, and 4) for daily household chores and duties, such as driving to the bank, laundromat, doctor’s office, grocery shopping, daycare, children’s school for pickup and dropoff, emergencies, and other required trips that you may do on a regular basis. In addition to the locations and times above, an Occupational Driver’s License also restricted the Counties in which you can drive. DPS requires each County within Texas that you drive in to be specifically listed on the Occupational License, so it’s important to determine where you’ll need to drive. — Step 2 — Gather Your Documents and get SR22 Insurance. An Occupational License typically takes about a week to obtain through our office, although we have obtained Occupational Licenses for some clients the very next day.
The faster you can gather the required items necessary to obtain an Occupational License, the faster we can set the hearing and get you driving legally. So what do you need ahead of time? Before we can get into Court, you’ll need to gather a few things that we can take to the hearing and show to the Judge. You do not need to be present at the hearing, unless you’ve had multiple DWIs or unless someone (Prosecutor or DPS) is contesting the Occupational License. So, what do you need?
We’ve listed the most common items below: SR22 Auto Insurance: SR22 is a state-wide insurance component that is added to your normal insurance. All SR22 does is mandates that your insurance carrier notifies DPS if you lapse in the policy, meaning if you don’t pay. SR22 insurance is the only insurance accepted for Occupational Licenses in Texas; Driving Record: You’ll need your driving record from DPS; Letter from Employer or School Schedule/Enrollment: You’ll need proof that you need to drive for work or school; Notarized Petition for an Occupational Driver’s License: We research and write the Petition, and get it to you for notarization. — Step 3 — Fees: How Much Will an Occupational License Cost You? We offer low, competitive rates for Occupational Licenses, and can get you driving without you ever stepping into the Courtroom.
So how much will an Occupational License cost? Attorney’s Fees: Call us for a Free Consultation and Quote, and we can currently offer, through paypal, no interest financing with no payments for six months. See the banner logo at the top right of this page. Filing Fees: Travis County charges approximatly $275 to file an Occupational License with the County Clerk. All Occupational Licenses must be filed with the Clerk, and certified. There is a Filing Fee Waiver (subjkect to approval by the Judge) that might allow the Filing Fee to be waived, if your income is at or below the Travis County poverty line. There is also the option to take the Petition to the Justice of the Peace, where Filing Fees can be reduced to around $40.
DPS Reinstatement Fees: Reinstatement Fees vary from person to person, depending on the driving record and type of suspension. As a general rule, the reinstatement fee is $100, or $125 after a DWI. More tickets leading to a suspension means more Reinstatement Fees.
You can check your Reinstatement Fees through DPS, by calling DPS directly at 512-424-2600, or by visiting their website, DPS Occupational License Fee: This is a $10 per year fee paid to DPS. Posted in Tagged,,,, Post navigation.