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README.md PollDaddy Hack. This is pretty easy to use. Just download the Python script, and customize the variables for what form/answer/number of votes.
An Indian hacker, named as Zero, has exposed over a dozen high profile Pakistani websites – which are vulnerable and hack-able. At the moment, we don’t know much about Zero due to insufficient information available about him, however, according to a source in hacker’s community, Zero is apparently from India. Before we go into further details, here is a selected list of exposed websites: • • • • • • • • • • • According to Zero above mentioned websites, along with many others are exposed to hacking or other vulnerabilities due insecure hosting infrastructure and badly written scripts.
He partially defaced few of above given websites, in addition to this, he also released the Database username/passwords of the web portals on an Indian news website. According to local hackers, 85 percent Pakistani website are exposed to hacking, which includes banks, telecom companies, ISPs, blogs, forums with government websites at top of the list. By the way, LulzSec (a group that recently hacked Sony, PBS, US Senate, the CIA, Minecraft and League of Legends), in an announcement yesterday said that they enjoyed hacking Pakistani websites the most.
Check below what LulzSec said: best old injection i had that doesn’t work anymore was on some pakistani gov site that was apparently tied into military apparently their air defence pass was 445566 This shows that our government and semi government web servers are secured with such basic passwords. Another thing which should be taken under consideration is the lack of responsibility we bear in ourselves, for instance, an insider told us that IT department had sensed the flaw in awt.com.pk, but they couldn’t take any measure to safeguard it – as high-ups didn’t give them a go ahead. Ethical hackers are calling the need for security enhancement for Pakistani websites, to make sure that we live in a secure cyber world. To most of the lame Comments here by random people i would like to add something here 1st hacking is a art its not easy its not hard but it has the power which really comes with great responsibilities, as per i am aware about the cyber crime law a person cannot point out a flaw of any particular site its an offense which has punishment of custody or fine or both. 2nd Information is free for all others had learn by them self no one was there or will be there to teach anyone about offensive skills, learn it learn it by hard way google it read books and start to educate your self. 3rd about the guy who said that paki hackers should help our local web masters or administrators, tell me why should we have to help someone or to protect someone which him self don’t want to be saved.
Its there job to protect infrastructure they get paid to protect. If they are not doing there jobs then its time for young generation to take there places but wait again our education system is designed to teach us bookish knowledge to just pass a test paper again i am not saying that we don’t have good people among us but we don’t have many either. There is a war going on you can see West they are trying soo hard to fight against cyber criminals but still they cant win this game why because the dark side is getting stronger day by day. Its not here yet but it will and when it will there will be lot of mess and there wont be anyone to clean this whole mess. Some Point from 15 Yrs exp System Manager. 1) Never use Micro shit Windows Server for Production.
2) Always use Stable Release of Linux (my fav. Debian GNU Linux and Redhat Enterprise Linux. Never use Centos/Ubuntu/Fedora core). 3) Never open additional Ports on server. Check open ports through nmap utility. 4) never install phpmyadmin in ur system. My preference is to give DB access to localhost only.
Disable all sshd login for root. Create a normal user with password of 15 chracters (use ) 5) connect mysql client through ssh tunneling to the server using that user and pass for db access. 6) use winscp to upload your web files to home folder of the server. Than from putty move the files to web dir.
7) use Firewall like Shorewall to safeguard your server. Only open inward and out going ports which are req. (80/443/25 for mail delivery). 8) in php.ini disable additional features which are not required. 9) never use Webpanel Like Plesk or WHM Cpanel etc. 10) always update the system software from reliable and stable Repositories only. And Admin panel of your application should also bind to your server IP as below.
In apache configuration bind Access to Admin Directory with IP of your Server. Than restart apache, open putty put your server IP and in Tunnel option in the left pane use destination dynamic and source to 8080 and open putty.
Use your linux username password. Now you have SSH tunnel with port 8080 to your server. Open your web browser and put socks proxy localhost and port 8080. Now open your Admin Panel.
It would open. But if you disconnect Your Putty this will never been accessed through internet. 11) for saving Mysql DB. Make additional subinterface for private Ip like restart the network service and check if it is working.
Add this ip to shorewall/iptables to access to port 3306. Open Mysql through root and make another user with name.
Give all root access to this new root user. Now drop all privileges to from Mysql Client use SSH tunnel to establish connection than use user and ur password. On Shell use mysql -h10.1.1.10 and -p to access your database. Use same connection string with all your database. And never make any database with login always use user to make database so ur new user will also use same database user “” to connect to database. And secure ur Application configuration file from web access through permission or htpasswd file.
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• • July 3, 2017 • April 6, 2017 • Search the Archive. KLONDIKE, CP Army Central – In a community full of people taking advantage of their coding skills and people using their scripts to bot recruit for their army, is it possible to succeed without a script.
Very little armies have gotten into the Top 3 this year without the use of bot recruiting. Bot recruiting is a way for armies to grow, but is it able to succeed without bot recruiting? The first program introduced into the community for recruiting was the rsclient, better known as the autotyper. Many people disagreed with it, but many armies thrived using it like Elmikey’s RPF and Dark Warriors. It brought us into the next golden age of armies and brought the downfall of armies, but the rise of many others. By late 2013 many armies had been using the autotyper with great results and the armies that didn’t lose their status as a world power.
Autotyping unlike bot recruiting required your computer to stay on the Club Penguin and you were unable to do anything else while you were autotyping. Even though people say that autotyping brought the downfall of Club Penguin Armies it really brought us into a golden age. Armies that didn’t autotype were able to find little success in the Top Ten. Don’t get me wrong I think bot recruiting and autotyping are an easy way to rise your army fast and I’m not one of those people who won’t even look at the positives of it. People say that it should be used in moderation and CPAC deducted points from Light Troops in the Top Ten causing outrage because Doritos had begun bot recruiting at that time.
But the remarkable thing is that the same people who were against bot recruiting ended up doing it. Doritos were a prime example of this, they were bot recruiting on every 3-5 bar for 3 months. This would outrage the community even more and most armies would have to put 5 on every 5 bar as well leading to 15 bots standing on a server chanting recruiting lines. Doritos bot recruiting.
This angered the Club Penguin community and especially the moderators. Our recruiting lines started getting censored and we were left with the word “army” censored and “warriors” was censored as well. Most of the greatest armies in Club Penguin have censored names and are not able to recruit efficiently as a result of it.
This is what annoys me because this affected the amount of recruits coming in. Club Penguin players hate us because of these bots. Bot recruiting is okay, but not when you use it as much as DCP did. Lets not forget that most armies did this as well including Ice Warriors and Dark Warriors. Any army without a script were not able to even dream of reaching the Top 3 in the Top Ten. One of the main problems for bot recruiting was this forum called Rile5.
Rile5 posted scripts for botting on Club Penguin and various other things. Many people would get their scripts of this and anyone that got a script was used like a tool, one of the prime examples of this is Dr Flen.
Dr Flen was hired for his scripts and he went through a period of raiding Tournaments because of how easily he could access the scripts. Rile5 has since closed down, but there is another Rile5 forum still operating and Cyberforums which is basically another copy of Rile5. Many people hated Rile5 “skids” and most of the community disliked people like Dr Flen. One of the most successful armies when it came to bot recruiting was Light Troops. Light Troops had their own Penguin Activation script and Waterkid101 had scripts made for him. Light Troops were one of the first armies to rise with bot recruiting, but they didn’t abuse it in the way Doritos did. Most armies in the Top Ten wouldn’t even know how to use a bot recruiting script yet alone get someone to make it for them.
We seen a period of about five armies rising, but the rest didn’t because they had no script. Even if they had a script, armies that didn’t even bot recruit had their names censored like the Army of Club Penguin, or SWAT. Another problem is that we have the Club Penguin moderators banning and censoring our recruiting lines worse than ever. In happened with autotyping, but bot recruiting just made the process happen faster. Club Penguin players now ignore us on when we’re playing Club Penguin because they already know armies exist, well how you couldn’t you when there is around 7 bots on every server.
There are only two armies that are mass bot recruiting at the moment and that is Light Troops and Water Vikings. Both are powerful armies, but their success isn’t really down to bot recruiting. Before you start saying “Verum what other way is there to recruit?, you’re being stupid”, there are other ways to recruit, but none of then are as successful as bot recruiting. Unless you are able to have a CPPS sponsor like what OldCP did with Light Troops then there isn’t really any other options. Autotyping is just a less efficient way of bot recruiting, and chat recruiting is only used by SWAT and S/M armies. Delmar S Tractor-Trailer Truck Driver Training 4Th Edition Answers. Bot recruiting has made armies get bigger quicker, but it has also made the reality of not being able to recruit on Club Penguin come faster as well.
In conclusion, there is really no other way to recruit and bot recruiting seems to be the only method that is proven to work. Club Penguin has been losing players as well, so there is a lack of tracker chats and Club Penguin Private Servers are home to teenagers with narcissistic personalities and people who don’t want to play Club Penguin. I don’t think bot recruiting will be the death of armies because people said this about autotyping and we’re still alive, but it will certainly speed up the process of the end of recruiting off Club Penguin. Here at CP Army Central, we want YOUR opinions!
Please leave your thoughts in the comments below! Lord Verum CPAWM Representative.