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Jacques Derrida Glas Pdf Editor. • » MVTec Launches HALCON for Android Posted • Machine vision software on mobile devices • Wide range of applications for character and object recognition MVTec Software GmbH, a leading manufacturer of standard machine vision software, has made HALCON software library ready for mobile use. With 'HALCON Embedded for Android', the software now also runs on portable devices such as tablets, phablets, and smartphones that use the Android operating system. For this purpose, MVTec successfully tested HALCON Embedded on different Android systems. On request, MVTec will develop a customized Android version that is perfectly tailored to individual requirements.
This version benefits companies that develop professional imaging applications based on the Android platform. It also lays the groundwork for additional application scenarios, including those for private users that use the advantages of imaging in a wide range of applications for object or text recognition in everyday situations. Automated, mobile character recognition The mobile HALCON version opens up a wide range of new application possibilities.
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For example, the technology can be used for reliable optical character recognition (OCR). One practical scenario in this context is mobile scanning and the recording of text and character information, such as reading power and water meters with a smartphone. Other possible scenarios include mobile recognition and the recording of street names for navigation applications or of vehicle license plate numbers to speed up the check-out process for car rentals, for example. Using a suitable application, it is also possible to scan sales data with a mobile device and transfer it directly to company software. Other possible options include applications for industrial plant maintenance. For example, specific components in control cabinets may be reliably identified for replacement purposes using imaging software. And there's more: service technicians benefit from a multimedia manual.

They can easily recognize assemblies and components with a mobile device and use this information to prepare instructions for certain maintenance processes or access additional information online. 'By developing HALCON Embedded for Android, we have addressed the growing importance of mobile applications in the work environment and in everyday life. It is also important to include complex applications in mobile devices. Thanks to HALCON Embedded for Android, such applications are now also possible for complex imaging scenarios,' says Dr. Gerhard Blahusch, Director of Engineering with MVTec. 'A wide range of applications is possible. When customers have special requirements for processing images on mobile Android systems, we are happy to support them in developing customized and tailored solutions.
Our technology is ideally suited for use in embedded systems that work with the popular ARM processor architecture. Providing HALCON on the Android platform is the next logical step in this development,' Blahusch adds. About HALCON HALCON is the comprehensive standard software for machine vision with an integrated development environment (IDE) that is used worldwide. It enables cost savings and improved time to market: HALCON’s flexible architecture facilitates rapid development of machine vision, medical imaging, and image analysis applications.
HALCON provides outstanding performance and a comprehensive support of multi-core platforms and special instructions sets like AVX2, as well as GPU acceleration. It serves all industries, with a library used in tens of thousands of applications in all areas of imaging like blob analysis, morphology, matching, measuring, identification and 3D vision. HALCON secures your investment by supporting a wide range of operating systems and providing interfaces to hundreds of industrial cameras and frame grabbers, also for standards like GenICam, GigE Vision, and USB3 Vision. About MVTec MVTec is a leading manufacturer of standard software for machine vision. MVTec products are used in all demanding areas of imaging: Semi-conductor industry, web inspection, quality control and inspection applications in general, medicine, 3D vision and surveillance. MVTec, with its head office in Munich (Germany), has more than 30 established distributors worldwide and in addition, MVTec, LLC works out of Boston, MA (USA).
HACLON 的授权文件夹默认为 “bin” 目录所在同一路径下的 “license”目录,如果需要更改为另一目录,Windows 系统可以使用 mklink 命令创建一个目录符号链接指向新的位置。 例如: 将路径 C: Program Files MVTec HALCON-12.0 license 指向 Z: VMWare Share - ALL license_support_halcon 可在命令行内敲入 C: >mklink /D 'C: Program Files MVTec HALCON-12.0 license' 'Z: VMWare Share - AL L license_support_halcon' 返回信息成功 为 C: Program Files MVTec HALCON-12.0 license >Z: VMWare Share - ALL lice nse_support_halcon 创建的符号链接 效果如图 应用 Halcon 安装在 VMware 里,但是 LT 很依赖VMware的快照功能,不想每次快照恢复后再更新License文件,于是就琢磨出这个方法。如果你有更简便的方法欢迎和 LT 交流。 This entry was posted in and tagged,,. Bookmark the.