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Yes, this is for real: Queen's magnum opus, in a jazz language, orchestrated for big band. With a couple of jazz solos thrown in for good measure. Your students will want to put in the work for this chart. This is the big band tune your I-don't-get-jazz audiences have been waiting for, and they will not know what hit them. Meaty sax parts, tempo changes, mature brass figures, and a whole lot of fun. This arrangement is fully licensed for publication through the copyright administrators. Your download will include: • Alto Saxes 1 & 2 • Tenor Saxes 1 & 2 • Baritone Sax • 5 Trumpets (works with 4) • 3 Tenor Trombones • 1 Bass Trombone • Guitar (opt.) • Piano (notated) • Bass • Drums • Flute (opt.) • Vibraphone (opt.) • Full Score Item BB4100.
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