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Serial number. Switch/port connected to a control unit. Description Connected channel paths/link addresses. Unit address ranges. I/O concurrency level. For example, device 3590 listed in the sample Supported Hardware Report - MVS Devices (Figure 187) supports the private parameters LIBRARY and AUTOSWITCH.
Activation Keys and Serial Numbers Activation Keys and Serial Numbers Manifold is licensed, not sold, and your Manifold license is not without limits. It only allows you to use Manifold within the limited terms and conditions of the license. Important limitations on usage will apply, so be certain to read this topic carefully to make sure you can get maximum use of your Manifold license. This topic talks about the nuts and bolts of activating a Manifold installation. You should read this topic before activating Manifold. All Manifold licenses are copy protected using one of two mechanisms: Authorization using a Serial number and Activation keys that discourages software piracy. Manifold licenses acquired in small quantities or acquired for use on portable devices use this mechanism.
Continue reading this topic to learn about the serial number and Activation key process. Authorization of floating licenses using a License Server.
Manifold licenses acquired in larger quantities will frequently use this mechanism, which requires licensing of the Manifold System License Server product. See the topic for discussion of License Servers. The rest of this topic assumes you are using a serial number to activate Manifold on a single computer system.
For Manifold x64 Licensees: If you have an x64 Manifold license and will be operating Manifold in either a 32-bit or a 64-bit Windows system, please read the topic after carefully reading this topic. Activation Summary Login as Administrator. Use the actual Administrator account and not some other account believed to have administrator privileges. Vista users: please read the advice in the Vista Admin Login page on the Support page of the web site to see how to use the actual Administrator account, which might be concealed by Vista editions, such as Home edition. Install Manifold and then launch Manifold. Check your computer's date and time to make sure it is reasonably accurate (the correct year, month and day).
In the Activation dialog that pops open, provide the serial number emailed to you for the Manifold edition you have licensed. Copy the serial number from the original serial number email message and paste it into the dialog. For the first 30 days after your serial number was issued, you can run on the serial number alone, and you can install that serial number on as many computers as you like. There is no limitation of Manifold functions running on serial number alone: all features for whatever product you have licensed are fully functional and there is no reason to activate the product. After 30 days you will have to get an Activation key as well.
When the Activation dialog launches, enter your serial number and then press the Get Activation Key via the Web button and then press Accept. Do not press the Get Activation Key via the Web button unless you really intend to get an Activation Key. Once that button is pressed the operation cannot be cancelled. Getting an Activation key terminates any return privileges you may have. If you have licensed Business Tools, Geocoding Tools or Surface Tools extensions: launch Manifold and choose Help - Activate Extension.
Enter the serial number for the extension. Get an Activation key if it is more than 30 days since the serial number was issued. Press Accept. Do this for each extension that you have.
If you have licensed Universal Edition or Ultimate Edition, all three extensions get turned on automatically when you activate your main Manifold System serial number. No need to use the Help - Activate Extension dialog with Universal Edition or Ultimate Edition. Important: Manifold is licensed for use on one machine at a time. You get five Activation keys per serial number to allow re-installs if necessary, not to allow simultaneous use on five machines.
Don't waste Activation keys. Read this entire topic carefully for tips on getting the most out of your license. Installing the same serial number on multiple machines and using that same license on multiple machines at the same time is not allowed by your license and may result in your license being permanently revoked. Caution: If you do not have Administrator privileges the Activation dialog will accept the Activation key and will allow you to run for that session, but the installation will not be permanently accomplished.
This feature enables emergency activation of Manifold on a temporary basis if an Administrator is not available. If you do not remember to use the Activation key with an Administrator login during the 72 hour life of the Activation key you will have wasted that Activation key. If you do not have Administrator privileges when the Activation dialog is launched, Manifold will warn you that any activation will be good only for that session. Don't make the mistake of ignoring such warnings! Troubleshooting / Reminder for Experienced Users This checklist is here as a quick reminder for people who are re-installing Manifold and have not read this topic for a while.
New users should read this entire topic. In case of any difficulty with activation, consider the following: Check the serial number- Check the serial number at the Status Page, which is a link on the Support page ( - check the Support page if this link has moved in the future). The Status Page will tell you whether a serial number is valid, what product it licenses, how many activations it has available, and whether it has been revoked. The most common reason a serial number has been revoked is because it has been traded in on some upgrade, like a Professional serial number being upgraded to Enterprise or a 32-bit Manifold edition upgraded to x64. In that case you should use the new serial number provided by the upgrade.
Typographical errors - Copy and paste serial numbers from the original serial number email. Do not change the serial number in any way. Wrong serial number - Make sure your serial number is for the product you are trying to activate. You can't activate a Release 8.00 license with a Release 7x serial number. You can't activate a Manifold System installation using the serial number for an extension. You can't activate an x64 license with a 32-bit serial number. Wrong system date - Your system date must be accurate.
Manifold will not accept serial numbers or Activation keys if the system date is not reasonably accurate. Wrong machine - A serial number and Activation key pair are good for one machine and one machine only. You can't use a serial number and Activation key on a different machine. No Activation key - A serial number will work by itself for 30 days after the date of issue. After that, you must get an Activation key as well. Expired Activation key - An Activation key is good for one machine for 72 hours only.
When you get an Activation key, use it within 72 hours. If you ever need to re-install Manifold on the same machine, you cannot re-use an Activation key obtained more than 72 hours previously. You'll need to get a new Activation key. Same key every 24 hours - You must wait at least 24 hours before getting a different Activation key for the same serial number.
This is to discourage piracy and to save people from accidentally using up their Activation keys. Not Administrator - You must be logged in as the Administrator account in Windows Vista and must have true Administrator privileges in Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and Windows 2000. When installing or activating Manifold, you must have a standard Windows installation in operation. Some registry 'protectors,' third party uninstall programs, network supervisors and other 'value added' supervisory programs running on top of Windows may interfere with the installation and/or activation process.
Temporarily turn off third party virus programs as well. Manifold software and these instructions assume you are running an unmodified Windows installation as shipped by Microsoft. Keep in mind standalone Manifold licenses are licensed for standard Windows installations on physical machines. Standalone licenses are not licensed for virtual machines (use License Server with appropriate numbers of floating licenses). Likewise, Manifold is not licensed for time sharing nor can a single Manifold license be used on more than one machine at the same time. Assistance Assistance may be available for the original licensee of a Manifold license - see the Support pages in the web site for any current free or paid technical support offerings for activation.
There are usually two ways to get assistance with serial number and/or activation questions: Free support using the procedures published in the Activation Support page in the web site. Paid support using a series of guided questions and answers with tech support, with a support token required for each such question and answer session. All serial number and activation questions are handled by email questions sent to and must follow the procedures published in the Activation Support page in the web site. Do not contact by letter, fax or telephone if you need assistance with any questions or issues involving serial numbers, activation or software installation. Technical support processes email inquiries from 9 to 5 PST on US business days and responds to activation questions before any other questions.
You do not need a technical support token for activation questions if you follow the procedure given in the Activation Support page. If you do not wish to follow that procedure you may use paid support to get assistance if you are the original licensee.. If you contact tech support outside of the required procedure, you may be charged a tech support token with any tokens you have available being automatically consumed for such out-of-process contacts. Please see the Activation Support page for the current procedure to follow. As a general guide for the information and procedure that web page will likely require, here is a list of information that will probably be required in your initial email message: Use a subject line that includes the words Manifold and activation.
This will assure your message gets through any spam filters and receives maximum priority for a reply. Activation questions are answered before all other questions. Do not use any attachments. All information must be provided in ordinary text form within the body of your email message. Do not use HTML mail.
Send ordinary text mail to be sure all information gets through. Do not cc any third parties. Serial number, activation and installation questions are confidential. At the bottom of your email you must include the full text of the original serial number email that provided your serial number for this license. Copy and paste this text into the body of your email. Do not attach it as an attachment.
Possession of this serial number email is proof you have licensing rights to this license. If you do not have the original serial number email message you cannot get any assistance. If you do not have that serial number email, you might be able to recover it using a Key Recovery Service if available on the Manifold Online Store. Specify the full name of the installation file from which you installed Manifold. Confirm you have logged in as the Administrator account. This is especially important in Windows Vista. Specify the exact version of Windows you are using.
Give the system date and time as reported by your system at the time you try activation. Include in your email the exact serial number, Activation key and System ID you are using. Use copy and paste to insert these into email message to avoid typographic errors.
Provide any error messages you receive or an exact description of the problem if you received no error messages. If you don't want to follow the procedure in the Activation Support page that is OK: if you prefer, tech support can guide you by asking you a sequence of questions, one at a time, to elicit all required information. That will require a tech support token for each such question and answer. See the Contact Tech Support page on the web site for information on purchasing and using tokens if you would prefer to use the guided process. Tech Tip: The fastest way to solve any activation problem is to read and apply the instructions in this topic, followed up by a reading of the relevant support web pages on the web site such as the Activation Guide and the Activation Troubleshooting pages. Even though tech support responds very rapidly to activation questions it is faster to read even a long topic carefully since that will usually solve the problem right away. Your Serial Number Your Manifold serial number identifies your license to use a specified Manifold System edition or a Manifold System extension such as Business Tools, Geocoding Data or Surface Tools.
A serial number specifies a product license. It is not locked or tied in any way to one person or to one machine. It is not locked or tied in any way to any product download. For that reason, it is critically important to keep your serial number secret. Don't think that any registration or activation procedure locks a serial number to you: it's always available to anyone who has it, so don't give a serial number to anyone you don't want to be able to use it. If someone else learns your serial number, they can use it to steal your license rights from you. They can download a product installation, and use the serial number to install Manifold on other machines.
When they start using the same license on different machines at the same time you might be using Manifold, it could be that your license will be revoked. Further, your Manifold license requires you to keep your serial number secret. If you disclose your serial number to third parties, you have violated your Manifold license. Each serial number is licensed to be used on one machine by one person, and a copy-protection mechanism using that serial number aims to prevent software piracy The purpose of a serial number is to identify the product it licenses. It's like a price tag or an SKU tag on an item in a store.
A serial number works only for the product for which it was issued. For example, a Professional edition serial number cannot be used to turn on Enterprise edition. For example, a 32-bit Personal edition serial number won't turn on a 64-bit Personal x64 installation.
The email in which your serial number is delivered to you makes it clear what product that serial number is for. Keep track of your serial numbers - that is easy to do if you are careful not to lose the original serial number email. For permanent installation and continued use, your license requires you to activate your Manifold license. Activation requires fetching an Activation Key that matches the serial number. This may be done through the web in a fast and easy manner or it may be done manually if desired.
Once a Manifold license is activated it will be permanently installed on one computer system and will run without time limit on that computer. Important: Each serial number allows five activations. The purpose of those five activations is allow re-installation in case of hardware difficulties or upgrades. The purpose is not to license usage of one license on five different machines, although if someone tries that as a practical matter the limit on activations in a relaxed way limits the number of different people who can use the same serial number to install Manifold on many different machines. If you use the same serial number to try to run one Manifold license on more than one machine at the same time, Manifold will automatically revoke that serial number and you will lose your licensing rights.
The Manifold serial number and activation system is very simple; however, it is the nature of comprehensive documentation to include explicit cautions against errors encountered by some users. What may seem obvious to the reader may not be so obvious to someone else, so we have erred on the side of too much detail rather than too little.
We apologize in advance for the resultant length of text that everyone thus must plow through. Activation Keys and Serial Numbers Overview (Short) This section provides a short Overview section of paragraphs that cover the most important points. Following the overview section is a horribly long Details section that goes into greater detail about activation. It's best to read both sections. Administrator Permissions Required You must have Administrator permissions in Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP or Windows 2000 when doing any Manifold installation or activation. The easiest way to assure you have Administrator permissions is to login using the built-in Administrator login.
If using XP Home in default configuration any user login with 'Computer administrator' rights is OK. Windows Vista users should login using the built-in Administrator login to avoid problems caused by logins that are thought to have Administrator permissions but do not actually have them. Vista users: please read the advice in the Vista Admin Login page on the Support page of the web site to see how to use the actual Administrator account, which might be concealed by some Vista editions such as Home edition. Launching Manifold for the first time or attempting to activate Manifold or a Manifold extension will display a warning message if the user account being used does not have sufficient permissions to complete the activation process. Shut off all other programs when doing Manifold installation or activation, including any antivirus programs, network snoopers, uninstall utilities, registry protectors, Windows modifications, virtual machine middleware and other weird stuff.
If you see an Authentication Error message box pop open during any part of the activation process, something is interfering with that process. The usual problem is either failure to have Administrator permissions or failure to shut off some background program, such as an antivirus program, that interferes with activation.
Manifold is Copy-Protected Manifold is copy-protected against software piracy, using a combination of technical means and incentives drawn from human nature to discourage people from stealing licenses. Most people who use GIS don't want to steal software, so Manifold can use a more relaxed approach to copy protection. The Manifold copy-protection mechanism relies in part on technical mechanisms and also in part on human nature. The technical part happens when a serial number gets an allowed installation used up during the activation process. The human nature part happens when the activation process is policed by you, because you only get five activations for each license.
If those five activations are used to try to cheat the license, you may find yourself without the ability to re-install Manifold when you need to because of a hardware failure or machine upgrade. The purpose of providing five activations for each license is not to enable you to install one license on five different machines for five different users. One license can only be installed on one machine for use by one user at a time.
The purpose of providing five activations is to provide the ability to re-install Manifold if you encounter a hardware failure, upgrade a machine or otherwise need to re-install Manifold for use on a different machine. If you run out of activations, you'll probably want to buy a fresh license or more activations for an additional fee. This policy is strictly enforced, because otherwise software pirates would have no incentive not to rip off the system. The Activation Process For 30 days after a serial number has been issued, that serial number can be used to enable launch of Manifold on as many machines as you or whoever has the serial number wants. This initial 30 day period allows users to resolve any difficulties with software or hardware configuration on the machine they decide to use for the license. There are no limits at all: the software runs with all features enabled and no limitations.
After 30 days, the Manifold installation can be activated to enable Manifold to run forever on that machine. Note that activation cannot eliminate software piracy: that's done by detecting when the same serial number is used on more than one machine at the same time. Activation is far too relaxed a control to eliminate software piracy, but it does provide a reasonable way to discourage outright piracy in countries where software piracy is illegal.
Activation can be accomplished automatically if the machine is connected to Internet. When the Activation dialog launches, enter your serial number and then press the Get Activation Key via the Web button and then press Accept. If the machine is not connected to Internet, activation can be accomplished manually by using a different machine that is connected to the Internet. If a Manifold installation is not activated within 30 days of the serial number being issued, Manifold will no longer launch on that machine. The serial number will still identify a Manifold license, but after 30 days it can only launch Manifold if activation is also done.
Note: The preliminary installation period before activation is required is 30 days from the date the serial number was issued. It is not 30 days from the date you receive Manifold and not 30 days from the date you install Manifold. Activations are Limited You only get five activations per serial number, so don't waste activations. Use the first 30 days to sort out any machine problems or other software installation problems and don't activate your Manifold installation until you are sure you want to install Manifold on a particular machine. Plan your installations so that activations are not wasted. If you know you are going to install a larger hard disk into a particular machine, don't activate Manifold on that machine a week before you will install the larger hard disk. That will waste an activation key on only a week's functioning and then when you install the larger hard disk you'll need to use up another activation.
It would be smarter to install the new hard disk first and only after do a Manifold activation. Install anti-virus software and use prudent Windows administration policies so your machine does not get trashed by viruses every month and thus forcing an overly-frequent need to re-install Windows. If you re-install Windows, you'll use up another activation key. Five activations are plenty if you install Manifold only on one machine as allowed by the license and if you follow prudent machine and Windows administration policies. Manifold can run for years given five activations. In fact, given Manifold's traditional upgrade policy that provides fresh activations, the provision of free activation keys over time and the availability of additional activation keys at a low cost it is really difficult to run out of activations if you take advantage of low cost or free opportunities, even if your machines die from time to time. Once installed a Manifold license will run as long as that computer continues to operate in sufficiently unmodified form to not require re-activation.
The five activations provided for a serial number enable re-installation and re-activation within a reasonable period of time; however, re-activation of old or obsolete licenses may not continue to be supported once future versions of Manifold are released. Although may voluntarily support use of activation keys for outdated versions of Manifold for some reasonable period of time (such as three years) licensees should not expect such support. Purchasing Additional Activations The least expensive way of assuring a regular re-charge of activations, should such be needed, is to take advantage of low-cost upgrade offers whenever a new Manifold release is announced. Every few years, Manifold System has historically been upgraded to a new release and has traditionally offered the new release to licensees of the previous release for a nominal charge for a limited period of time.
The cheapest way to get additional activations is to upgrade to the new release during the initial, low-cost offer. For example, during the first 30 days of the availability of 8.00, 7x licensees could have upgraded to 8.00 for only $50.
The low upgrade fee delivered a new serial number complete with five fresh activations. In addition, Manifold normally provides an additional activation key every year for free and provides absurdly low cost options to purchase additional activation keys in amounts that are reasonable for individual users who are observing the license. This makes it easy and inexpensive or free for law abiding users to continue to operate Manifold for years despite machine failures without encouraging software pirates to cheat the license on an industrial scale.
If you take advantage of free activations, inexpensive additional activations or upgrades to new releases, you can get a new serial number and five fresh activations for either free or for a very low cost on a regular basis for fresh activations. If you are using Manifold on one machine as permitted by the license, it is virtually impossible in ordinary usage to burn up five activations in only 18 months. On the other hand, if you don't take advantage of upgrade offers, if you ignore free activations, if you don't take advantage of very inexpensive additional activations or if you have special needs (such as usage in harsh environments that regularly destroys machines), then your costs of getting activations could be higher, possibly much higher if you need to buy new licenses on a regular basis. If taking advantage of many opportunities for low cost or free activations does not provide sufficient activations, it could be that you will have to buy additional Manifold licenses to get the activations you need.
For example, someone who operates Manifold on a portable device in an extraordinarily harsh environment such as oil well exploration or in a war zone and finds themselves having to replace their computer every month should probably budget for additional Manifold licenses as well. Note: If you are a member of an organization that is operating a you normally will not have to plan for activations because you can take advantage of floating licenses administered by the License Server. This can be a highly cost effective route for some organizations. Activation via the Web When Manifold has yet to be activated, it will raise the Activation dialog every time Manifold launches. This dialog can also be launched from within Manifold by using the command. To activate Manifold automatically via Internet: Launch Manifold and in the Activation dialog provide your serial number in the Serial number box and then press the Get Activation Key via the Web button. When the Activation key appears, press the Accept button.
Activating Manifold automatically via the web will connect to the Manifold activation service, will automatically send the activation server your serial number and the system ID and will fetch an Activation key, decreasing by one the number of activations allowed for that serial number in the central Manifold serial number registry. If the serial number has already been used to accomplish five activations or if the serial number has been revoked for any reason, the attempted activation via the web will fail. If you have previously provided a serial number to allow Manifold to run for a limited period before activation, when the Activation dialog opens it will show a masked version of the serial number, with X characters concealing the trailing portion of the serial number. You cannot use this masked version for activation. You must paste the original, complete serial number into the dialog before getting an Activation key over the web. Note: When we press Get Activation Key via the Web Manifold must be able to connect to the Manifold activation web service via the web. If Manifold cannot connect to the Manifold activation web service a dialog will pop open allowing editing of proxy server configuration in case a proxy server is blocking outbound web access.
Manual Activation If you prefer to activate Manifold manually you can do so as follows: Launch Manifold System and with the Activation dialog open, copy the System ID string. A System ID is a long alphanumeric sequence that comprises a 'fingerprint' for a specific activation request. Visit the Manifold activation web site at and paste the System ID into the System ID box. Paste the serial number provided to you for your license into the Serial number box. Press the Create Activation Key button and carefully write down or copy the resulting Activation key. This Activation key is good only for 72 hours from the time it is issued.
After that, it is useless. Back in the Manifold System Activation dialog, enter your serial number and the Activation key obtained from the Manifold web site and press Accept. Because serial numbers, System IDs and Activation keys are all long sequences of numbers and letters, it doesn't make sense to do manual activation if there is any possibility of doing activation automatically via Internet.
Note that the words used to name the various parts of the activation process are not intended to be accurate as a matter of science: they are only convenient names to refer to the process. For example, the System ID doesn't actually get computed from the hardware - it cannot be 'gamed' by making an exact duplication of the hardware. It's just a way of identifying a specific activation request so that people won't burn up many activation keys by accident. Wait 24 Hours between Getting Activation Keys Important: Using the same serial number within any 24 hour span to fetch an Activation key, even if the System ID is different, will result in the same Activation key. This is both a safety measure and an anti-piracy measure.
It is a safety measure so that people who mindlessly push buttons multiple times on web sites or dialogs don't use up all their Activation keys in a matter of seconds, and it is an anti-piracy measure to discourage cryptographic attacks and attempted installation on multiple machines. Important: The above means that you should wait at least 24 hours after getting an Activation key for your desktop machine before getting an Activation key using the same serial number to activate a Manifold license installed on your portable computer. If you don't wait 24 hours, you'll get the same Activation key back even though you used a different System ID for the portable computer. The resultant Activation key, therefore, won't work. This problem is easy to avoid: simply wait at least 24 hours after using a serial number to activate Manifold on your desktop machine before using the same serial number to activate Manifold on your portable computer. Checking Status of Serial Numbers To check the status of any particular serial number, visit the Support page on the web site to find a link to the Serial Number Status page. The status page may be used to find out if a particular serial number is a 32-bit or 64-bit serial number, whether it is still active or has been revoked (as might occur if it has been traded in for an upgrade), what product it authorizes and how many Activation keys are available.
This same page may also be used to check the status of a technical support token. A reminder: Any use of a serial number, such as checking status via the Serial Number Status page, should be done using Copy and Paste from the original serial number email. Do not use the 'masked' version of the serial number that may be displayed in the dialog which ends in a series of X characters. The masked version displayed in Help - About has had the final characters altered with a series of X characters so that someone who has physical access to your computer cannot steal your Manifold serial number.
The masked version displays enough of the serial number so you can determine for your internal record keeping which serial number you used on a particular machine, but not enough of the serial number for someone to be able to steal it and use it to obtain Activation keys or other wise use it. Use Email for Activation Questions If you have difficulty with your Manifold serial number or with the activation process, contact by email. Follow the procedures set forth at the beginning of this topic. To discourage people who steal serial numbers and then try to get to help them put those serial numbers to use, all serial number and activation key questions are dealt with by email only. Runtime Licenses If you ordered a runtime license for Manifold, then the serial number will configure operation in runtime mode only. In runtime mode, Manifold does not provide a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for interactive use. In runtime mode, Manifold can only function as Manifold IMS or under programmatic control of another application.
Attempting to launch a runtime license in interactive mode will display an error message. Runtime editions of Manifold System make it possible for technical experts to license Manifold at reduced cost for IMS use only or for embedded use of Manifold System within programs they create. Runtime editions may be licensed at a discount from regular pricing charged for non-runtime editions.
Note: Runtime licenses are for tech professionals who have programming expertise, substantial web mastering skills and Manifold skills. Any tech support questions involving runtime licenses require a developer level technical support incident. This includes questions about activation, which normally do not require a tech support incident when non-runtime licenses are involved. See the topic for additional information and tips when working with runtime licenses. Serial Numbers Determine the Edition Your serial number turns on whatever product level you have licensed. For example, a Professional Edition serial number will configure Manifold with all Professional Edition features. An Enterprise Edition serial number will configure Manifold with all Enterprise features.
Optional Extensions Serial numbers and Activation keys are also used to 'turn on' optional extensions to Manifold, either as separate installations or as part of a product bundle such as Universal Edition. For example, the Business Tools, Geocoding Tools and Surface Tools extensions are turned on using serial numbers that enable use of these extensions. If you acquire Business Tools, Geocoding Tools or Surface Tools as a separate product you will receive a serial number for each extension you licensed. If you license Universal Edition, then one serial number will turn on all Universal features, including Business Tools, Geocoding Tools and Surface Tools. Extensions to Manifold System use the same serial number and activation process used by the main Manifold System license. A serial number for an extension will allow use of that extension without activation for 30 days from the date that serial number was issued. After 30 days, activation will be required for continuing use of the extension.
Important Notes Serial numbers and Activation keys are confidential information. Keep them secret to prevent other people from stealing your license rights from you. A serial number is like a PIN code to a bank account. Keep it secret.
There is nothing about a serial number that locks it or ties it to you, that ties it to any particular machine or that locks it or ties it to some download. If someone else learns the serial number, they can use it to steal your license rights from you, for example, by using up all of your Activation keys or by trading in your license for an upgrade.
Further, your Manifold license requires you to keep your serial number secret. If you disclose your serial number to third parties, you have violated your Manifold license. Do not lose your serial number. You will need your serial number if you must ever re-install Manifold. Save a copy of the original serial number sent to you. If you lose your serial number, it may not be possible for to provide it to you again.
If it is possible at all (unlikely - don't bet on it), a fee for recovering the serial number will be charged. We're not kidding: think of that serial number as a prepaid cash card that anyone can use and if it is lost cannot be recovered. Activations are limited.
Each serial number is a license for only five activations. These five activations allow you to re-install Manifold up to five times for a single license. They are not a license to install Manifold on five machines for use by five users but rather give you five chances to re-install Manifold on the same machine or for the same user should a disk failure or hardware or software upgrades require re-installation of Manifold. If you need more than five activations, you may have to pay to buy additional activations or to buy a new license. You must have Administrator privileges in Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP or Windows 2000 when entering a serial number or Activation key. When acquiring multiple licenses for Manifold or Manifold options, take care to accurately keep track of your serial numbers.
Manifold does not keep track of these for you. For example, if you acquire Universal Edition and also a Universal Runtime license do not confuse the two serial numbers.
Keep a record (such as the original email providing the serial numbers) of which serial number corresponds to Universal Edition and which serial number corresponds to the Universal Runtime license. If you don't want to keep track of many serial numbers, acquire and use a to administer 'floating' licenses that are authenticated from a single server. Activation Keys and Serial Numbers Details (Long!) The rest of this topic covers all aspects of the serial number and activation process in greater detail. It will appeal to the detail-oriented reader and will be cursed by everyone else.
Installation and Activation Workflow Installing and activating Manifold consists of several steps: Install Manifold from a downloaded installation file using the installation instructions that are part of the download. You must have logged in as Administrator in Windows Vista and your login must have Administrator privileges in Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP or Windows 2000 to install Manifold System. Launch Manifold. In the Activation dialog that pops up, provide the Manifold System serial number that was sent to you when you acquired your Manifold license. The serial number alone will enable Manifold to function for 30 days from the date the serial number was issued. You can install it on however many machines you like.
If you have licensed any extensions, such as Business Tools, Geocoding Tools or Surface Tools, after launching Manifold open the Help - Activate Extension dialog. Provide the serial number sent to you with your Business Tools, Geocoding Tools or Surface Tools license. Just like your main Manifold System serial number, the serial number alone will enable the extension to function for 30 days from the date the serial number was issued. Note: this step is not necessary with Universal Edition, since with Universal Edition the same serial number that licenses Manifold System will also automatically turn on Business Tools, Geocoding Tools and Surface Tools When you are ready to permanently install Manifold on a particular computer system, you may activate Manifold via the Internet automatically or you may activate manually. Note that although you could use the system to activate one Manifold license on several machines, it is against your license to attempt to use Manifold on more than one machine at the same time. Doing so could result in your serial number being permanently revoked. It is also risky to use up activations intended for re-installation in case of hard disk crash or machine failure, because if you use up your activations you might not have a spare activation in case of machine failure when you need it.
If you have licensed any extensions, such as Business Tools, Geocoding Tools or Surface Tools, when you are ready to permanently install the extension on a particular computer system, you may activate the extension via the Internet automatically or you may activate manually. Note: this step is not necessary with Universal Edition, since with Universal Edition by activating your Manifold System license you will also automatically activate extensions. Please take care to keep track of your serial numbers.
For example, do not confuse a Business Tools, Geocoding Tools or Surface Tools serial number with a serial number for your main Manifold license. An Activation key fetched for a particular serial number will work with that serial number only. Do not try to use an Activation key that was fetched using one serial number with a different serial number. Such errors are easy to avoid if you keep track of your serial numbers. When No Direct Internet Connection is Available If your machine is not connected to the Internet, you will want some other way of visiting the Activation web site to get an Activation key with your serial number and System ID. If you do not have a direct Internet connection for the machine on which Manifold is installed, you can use some other machine to visit the Activation web site.
Although it may be tempting to simply print out the serial number email, use a different machine to visit the Activation web site and then manually write down the resulting Activation key, it is usually a bad idea not to use Copy and Paste because of the risk of typographic errors introduced through a lot of manual handwriting. Serial numbers, System IDs and Activation keys are so long that manual entry is begging for typographic errors.
Instead, take a moment to copy your serial number and System ID into some electronic form: write the serial number and System ID into a text file that you put on a USB drive or other removable medium, or email them to yourself using some free web email service such as hotmail or gmail that can be accessed from other machines. You can then go to a machine with Internet access and open that removable medium or email, copy and paste the serial number and System ID into the Activation web site to get an Activation key and then copy and paste the Activation key back into the removable medium or reply email. Back on the installation machine you can then easily copy and paste both serial number and Activation key from the removable medium or the reply email into Manifold's Activation dialog. If you will be traveling to locations with no Internet access whatsoever, please plan ahead and activate your copy of Manifold before departing civilization. In extreme cases, people have used satellite phones or radio to contact colleagues back in civilization, they have read to them their serial number and System ID for use by the colleague, and then finally they have gotten their colleague to read back to them an Activation key. This is obviously a formula for errors, so plan ahead to avoid such situations. The Activation Dialog The first time that Manifold launches after installation, the Activation dialog will open to allow you to enter the serial number for your license and, optionally, an Activation key.
If you enter just a serial number Manifold will run just fine so long as it is within 30 days of the date the serial number was issued. If you enter both a serial number and an Activation key, Manifold will be permanently installed. When the Activation dialog opens, it automatically shows the System ID computed for your machine by Manifold.
The System ID is a unique 'fingerprint' for your computer that identifies a particular activation request. Making major chances to the computer, such as replacing a hard disk, installing a new version of Windows or changing a motherboard may change the System ID, or they may not.
Such changes may occur over the life of a computer or Manifold license (neither of which will run to the end of time), so you can obtain five activations per serial number to enable you to re-install Manifold after making such major changes that may be required by hardware failure or by upgrades to new computer equipment. If you enter only a serial number and it is not yet 30 days past the date of issue of the serial number, Manifold will continue to function without activation until 30 days later. There is no limitation of functionality, no limitation on the number of launches or anything like that: it is the complete, full product operating with all features operating for the edition that has been licensed. Each time Manifold launches, the system will pop open the Activation dialog to let you know how many days remain in the preliminary installation period and to give you the opportunity to activate Manifold should you choose to do so. When the initial 30 day period expires, Manifold will not launch unless it has been activated.
Because activations are a limited resource, the purpose of the preliminary 30 day installation period is to allow users to try out different hardware configurations before they decide which computer system will be their first choice for the Manifold license. Take your time and resolve all hardware issues during the preliminary installation period. When ready, you can activate Manifold System on the computer you intend to use for Manifold. When entering a serial number or activating via the Activation dialog you must have Administrator privileges.
When an Administrator enters a serial number or Activation key into the Activation dialog, Manifold will be activated for all users on that machine. To make sure you have Administrator privileges login as 'Administrator.'
Don't assume your login has full Administrator privileges. When running the Activation dialog, make sure no other programs are running in background except standard Microsoft Windows processes and services. Do not run anti-virus checkers, uninstallers, registry 'protectors,' network checkers, special administrative protection programs or other such programs. These may interfere with the activation and permanent installation process. If desired, the Activation dialog also may be launched via the command. About Serial Numbers Every Manifold System license is identified by a unique, permanent serial number.
The serial number encodes the Manifold System edition that is licensed and the date and time the serial number was issued. It does not encode the user, it is not tied to a particular machine and it is not tied to a particular download, so be careful not to give it to people you won't want to be able to use it. Serial numbers are long alphanumeric strings that look like: 39-4DAEA5A0-2BC41719A85FC5F1EA For a serial number to be valid, it must be reproduced exactly as it was issued by Do not change upper case to lower case, remove hyphens, add space characters or make any other changes. A serial number must be entered as a single line without any paragraph breaks.
If your email system splits long lines into two lines, make sure to reassemble the serial number as a single line when entering it into the activation web site or into the Activation dialog. Note: Manifold serial numbers do not end in a series of 'X' characters. If you are trying to use a serial number that ends in a series of 'X' characters, you are wrongly attempting to use a masked version of the serial number that has had the last few characters concealed with 'X' characters to prevent theft.
Use the original serial number sent to you, not the masked version. When a Manifold license is acquired from, a new unique serial number is generated. The serial number will be sent to the licensee by email using the email address provided at the time of purchase. If you acquired your license directly from, you have been emailed the serial number for your license. If you have not received the serial number by email, please see the Tech Tip below to determine what problems in your email system may be preventing you from receiving your serial number email message. Serial numbers have four functions: To identify the Manifold license acquired.
To specify the Manifold System edition (such as Personal Edition, Professional Edition, Enterprise Edition, Database Administrator Edition, Universal Edition, License Server or a Runtime edition) that is launched, or to authorize use of an optional extension. To enable up to five activations of the Manifold license, accomplished by obtaining up to five Activation keys from the Manifold Activation key server.
Your serial number specifies which edition of Manifold System has been licensed. Professional Edition licensees will have been issued a serial number that specifies Professional Edition, while Enterprise Edition licensees will have been issued a serial number that specifies Enterprise Edition. All Manifold editions are installed from a single installation file, either for 32-bit or for x64 Manifold systems. The installation file includes all the code necessary to run any Manifold edition as well as any optional extensions available for that product. All licensees use this same installation file.
After installing Manifold System the type of serial number provided to the Activation dialog will control which Manifold System edition will be launched. In addition, providing a serial number for an optional extension in the Help - Activate Extension dialog will turn on that optional extension.
Providing a Professional Edition serial number in the Activation dialog will cause Manifold to launch in Professional Edition mode. Providing an Enterprise Edition serial number will cause Manifold to launch with all Enterprise Edition features enabled. Providing a Universal Edition serial number will launch Manifold with all Enterprise Edition features and also with Business Tools, Geocoding Tools and Surface Tools extensions enabled as well. Serial numbers may be revoked by if the terms of the EULA are violated. In particular, disclosing your serial number to any third party (except for the sole purpose of a one-time transfer of your license to someone else) will result in the cancellation of a serial number.
If your serial number appears in any hacker lists or hacker web sites for unauthorized use of Manifold System it will be cancelled immediately. Therefore, please take care to keep your serial number secret. Serial numbers are very important so do not lose your serial number. You cannot install Manifold without a serial number.
When you receive your serial number by email, print a copy of the email and save the printed copy in a safe place. It might not be possible for to recover your serial number if you lose it. If it is possible to recover your serial number, will charge you a fee to recover it.
30 Day Preliminary Installation Each serial number encodes the date it was issued as well as the period of time after that date during which Manifold System will function without activation. The limited, 30-day period of time during which Manifold will function with a serial number alone is called the preliminary installation period. The preliminary installation period runs 30 days from the date the serial number was issued. There are no limitations on the functionality of the software during that period. It is not some limited 'trial edition' period or 'demo' period - it is the fully complete, full power, fully operational software during that period, right from the very first day with no activation or other special procedure required. For example, if you acquired your Manifold license from on July 8, a serial number will have been generated on that date and sent to you. When entered into the Activation dialog, that serial number will allow Manifold to launch without activation until August 8.
After August 8, the preliminary installation period will have ended and activation will be required to allow Manifold to launch. Because serial numbers are very long, to avoid typographical errors use Windows Copy and Paste to transfer them to the Activation dialog as follows: Open the original email in which you received notice of your serial number. Highlight the serial number and choose Edit - Copy (or press CTRL-C, the Windows keyboard shortcut for 'copy').
Launch Manifold and right-click into the Serial number box in the Activation dialog and choose Paste from the context menu (or, click into the box and press CTRL-V, the standard Windows keyboard shortcut for 'paste'). This procedure will copy the serial number from the email and paste it into the Activation dialog without the need to manually type a long serial number. Just like a Manifold System license, extensions such as Business Tools, Geocoding Tools and Surface Tools also use serial numbers that offer a period of preliminary installation after which activation is required for permanent installation. Display of Serial Numbers in the Activation Dialog During the preliminary installation period whenever Manifold is launched it will display the Activation dialog to remind you that Manifold has not yet been activated.
The Activation dialog will display the serial number used for preliminary installation, but the last few characters will be replaced with ' X' characters to keep your full serial number secret. This is similar to how credit card numbers are often partially masked with * or other characters on receipts so that the receipt cannot be used to steal the credit card number, yet the credit card owner can see enough digits of the actual number to determine which credit card was used for the transaction. If your serial number was not masked with X characters, anyone who had physical access to your machine could launch Manifold, copy the serial number and then steal it. The version masked with X characters is useless for activation, but it still contains enough unique digits to determine which serial number is in use. Manifold licensees who have many serial numbers can thus easily determine which serial number was used on which machine.
Loveless Remastered Rapidshare Search. Do not let this simple privacy measure cause confusion when later activating your license. Just as the masked version of a credit card number printed on a receipt cannot be expected to work if you copy the * asterisk characters and attempt to use that number to buy something, just so the masked version of the serial number will not be able to fetch an Activation key. When copying and pasting the serial number during activation, make sure to use the full serial number as originally emailed to you. Do not use the masked version of the serial number that appears in the Activation dialog. About System IDs The Activation dialog will always show the same System ID for your computer unless a major change is made to the computer's hardware or software. The System ID is a long alphanumeric string that looks like: 906578E309D5FFDCB994F8D2A8C47BCE113AE103D If we activate Manifold via the web we don't have to worry about handling System IDs.
If we choose to manually activate Manifold, we will need to copy the System ID from the Activation dialog to use at the Manifold web site for activation. The Activation dialog will let us use Copy to copy the System ID from the box in the dialog. Note: The System ID box is read-only in the Activation dialog because the System ID is always generated by Manifold to uniquely identify an activation request. About Activation Keys An Activation key is required to permanently install Manifold to your computer system. Each Activation key is unique and matches only the one serial number and the one System ID used to obtain it. Activation keys are very long because they encode three important pieces of information: The date and time the Activation key was issued.
The serial number used to obtain the Activation key. The System ID used to obtain the Activation key. Activation keys are very long alphanumeric strings that look like: B8384D8A1C6B-4942B549-2911DE080800EE2D2B274EC02CC5F1EA6025FECEAE [Activation keys do not include returns - An Activation key is entirely the same line.
The Activation key shown above is too long to fit into the margins of this page without a line wrap.] Any user with a valid Manifold System serial number or with a serial number for an extension such as Business Tools, Geocoding Tools or Surface Tools may obtain an Activation key from subject to the following conditions: When an Activation key is issued, it remains valid for only 72 hours after it is issued. If it is not used in the Activation dialog to permanently install Manifold within that 72 hour time period, it becomes useless and will no longer function to install Manifold System. An Activation key is valid only for the serial number used to obtain it.
For example, an Activation key obtained with a Surface Tools serial number cannot be used with a Manifold System serial number. An Activation key obtained with one Manifold System serial number cannot be used with a different Manifold System serial number. An Activation key is valid only for the System ID used to obtain it.
For example, if we obtain an Activation key generated by one System ID we will not be able to use that Activation key to activate Manifold using a different System ID. Each serial number can have a maximum of five (5) Activation keys issued for it. The Manifold key server keeps track of how many Activation keys have been issued for each serial number. After five Activation keys are issued for a serial number, no more Activation keys will be issued. Five Activation keys are allotted per serial number in case you need to re-install Manifold at a future date as a result of system upgrades or other changes. Five Activation keys are not issued to enable users to violate the license by installing the same Manifold license on five different machines.
You must have logged in as Administrator in Windows Vista and your login must have Administrator privileges in Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP or Windows 2000 when launching Manifold to provide an Activation key via the Activation dialog. Obtaining an Activation Key The fastest, easiest way to obtain an Activation key is to launch Manifold and in the Activation dialog provide a valid Manifold serial number and then press the Get Activation Key via the Web button. Manifold will automatically reach out through Internet and get an Activation key for us. It is madness to use manual activation if our computer is connected to Internet. If desired, we can always obtain an Activation key manually.
To do so, visit the Manifold Activation key web site at This website requires a modern browser that can correctly handle JavaScript. You must have scripting enabled in your browser.
If you have any difficulties using this website, please visit it using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or more recent edition of IE. Since you must have IE installed on your computer (even if you do not use it as your default browser) to run Manifold, you will have an IE installation available to use even if you normally use some other browser. Visit the Manifold Activation key web page and provide a valid Manifold System serial number and the System ID for the system on which the Activation key will be used. If the serial number has not yet been used to generate the five Activation keys it is allowed, the key server will provide an Activation key.
Immediately write down the Activation key in a safe place. Because the key is very long, the safest way of writing it down is to use Windows Copy and Paste to save it in a text file. To use Copy and Paste to save the key in a text file, after the key server provides an Activation key highlight the Activation key on the web page with your mouse and choose Edit - Copy in Internet Explorer (or press CTRL-C on the keyboard) to Copy the key. Next, open a text file on your computer using Notepad or Microsoft Word or any other convenient text editor and choose Edit - Paste (or press CTRL-V on the keyboard) to Paste the key into the text document. Save the document. Save a copy of the document in a safe place, such as on a different disk drive or print out a hard copy on paper.
Once you have obtained an Activation key you can launch Manifold and provide the Activation key to the Activation dialog to permanently install Manifold System. Since the Activation key is very long, the best way to avoid typographic errors is to use Windows Copy and Paste to enter the Activation key into the Activation dialog. Open the document in which you saved the Activation key. Highlight the key and Copy it.
Click on the Activation dialog and right-click into the Activation key box and Paste the key. Because Activation keys have a limited life of only 72 hours, do not obtain an Activation key until you are ready to use it to permanently install Manifold System. The Light Swami Vivekananda Movie Download 3gp. Once you have obtained an Activation key, you must use it within 72 hours. Important: Using the same serial number within any 24 hour span to fetch an Activation key, even if the System ID is different, will result in the same Activation key. This is both a safety measure and an anti-piracy measure.
It is a safety measure so that people who mindlessly push buttons multiple times on web sites or dialogs don't use up all their Activation keys in a matter of seconds, and it is an anti-piracy measure to discourage cryptographic attacks. Important: The above means that you should wait at least 24 hours after getting an Activation key for your desktop machine before getting an Activation key using the same serial number to activate a Manifold license installed on your portable computer. If you don't wait 24 hours, you'll get the same Activation key back even though you used a different System ID for the portable computer. The resultant Activation key, therefore, won't work. This problem is easy to avoid: simply wait at least 24 hours after using a serial number to activate Manifold on your desktop machine before using the same serial number to activate Manifold on your portable computer.
Administrator Privileges Required As mentioned earlier, you must have Administrator privileges to use the Activation dialog. 'Administrator' privileges are special rights granted to the Administrator user and to members of the Administrators group in Windows operating systems such as Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP or Windows 2000 that provide user logins. If using XP Home in default configuration any user login with 'Computer administrator' rights is OK.
If using Windows Vista, you must login using the actual Administrator account. Do not use some account thought to have Administrator privileges. Use the actual Administrator account. Microsoft will hide this account in some versions of Vista, such as Vista Home, they apparently think might be used by people too stupid to be trusted to have full control over their computers. Can't blame them.
See the Vista Admin Login page in the Support page on the web site. Administrator privileges allow users to change anything in the system. Ordinary users do not normally have the required rights to make important changes to the system such as may be required when installing new software. If you work in an organization where someone else configures and administers your computer, the login name you use might not have Administrator privileges on your computer.
In such cases you should ask someone with Administrator privileges to login to your computer and to use their Administrator account to install Manifold System, including either preliminary installation with a serial number or permanent installation via activation. Caution: If you do not have Administrator privileges the Activation dialog will accept the Activation key and will allow you to run for that session, but the installation will not be permanently accomplished. This feature enables emergency activation of Manifold on a temporary basis if an Administrator is not available. If you do not remember to use the Activation key with an Administrator login during the 72 hour life of the Activation key you will have wasted that Activation key.
If you do not have Administrator privileges when the Activation dialog is launched, Manifold will warn you that any activation will be good only for that session. Don't make the mistake of ignoring such warnings! Remember: When using Activation keys to permanently install Manifold you must be logged in with Administrator privileges in Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP or Windows 2000. If using XP Home in default configuration any user login with 'Computer administrator' rights is OK. Do Not Waste Activations Five activations may seem like a lot, but they are not so many that you can afford to waste activations, even if you expect to get a fresh batch of activations every year or two through low cost upgrades, by free activations handed out from time to time or as a result of purchasing additional activations. Over the course of two or three years it is quite possible that you might want to upgrade your computer's hard disk, install a new version of Windows, or otherwise make changes that require re-installation of Manifold System.
Each installation requires activation, using up one of the five activations allowed. Because each Activation key works for only 72 hours and works only for the System ID used to fetch it, when you need to reinstall Manifold over the course of months or years you will have to use up one of the allowed activations for each installation. If you upgrade the hard disk once and upgrade Windows once, you will use a total of three activations (one for the original installation and one each for the disk and Windows re-installations). That will leave you with only two activations available should you ever need to re-install Manifold due to unforeseen circumstances, such as a disk crash, lightning strike, power spike or other calamity. Five activations are plenty for even very active computer users but they are not enough to waste activations thoughtlessly or to give out free copies of Manifold to friends. If you are not careful with activations, you might not have any left when you really need one. Note that since every serial number can be used to obtain only five activations it is important to keep your serial number a secret.
If anyone else learns your serial number, they could use your serial number for their own use in activation Manifold. If your serial number ever gets out to a hacker your five allowed activations will be gone overnight. As noted earlier in this topic, if you take advantage of upgrades to new releases, you can get a new serial number and five fresh activations for a low cost. A single Manifold serial number can allow you to run your license for years, but given advances in computer hardware and software (as well as in Manifold) most people will take advantage of upgrades to renew their serial numbers from time to time.
Once installed a Manifold license will run as long as that computer continues to operate in sufficiently unmodified form to not require re-activation. The five activations provided for a serial number enable re-installation and re-activation within a reasonable period of time; however, re-activation of old or obsolete licenses may not continue to be supported once future versions of Manifold are released. Although may voluntarily support use of activation keys for outdated versions of Manifold for some reasonable period of time (such as three years) licensees should not expect such support.
System Date Must be Accurate Serial numbers and activation keys encode the date they were issued. They will not work with system dates that are obviously wrong such as a system date before the date of issue of the serial number or Activation key.
Permanent installation also encodes the date as well. Your system date and time must be reasonably accurate (within the correct day of the date) for activation to work. If after activation Manifold suddenly raises the Activation dialog again and no major hardware or software changes have been made, check the system date.
If you or someone else has reset the system date to an obviously wrong date, Manifold will not launch. Manifold Removal and Re-Installation Once your Manifold System license has been activated on a particular computer, you may uninstall Manifold System using the Windows Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs applet and then later re-install your Manifold System license on that same machine without requiring any new activation. The computer system will 'remember' that your Manifold System license has been activated.
For example, if you installed Manifold System from the original release first issued you could uninstall that original release and then download and install an update for that same version without needing to activate again. This doesn't work, of course, if you make changes that would destroy the activation status on your machine in any event. For example, if you uninstall Manifold and then change your hard disk or install a new version of Windows when you re-install Manifold version you may need to use an Activation key.
Note that this applies only to that same Manifold version and updates or service packs published for that same version. For example, if you have a Manifold 8 license you cannot download and install an update published for some future version such as a future Manifold product and expect that the new product will be functional. If you want to move up to a newer Manifold version you'll have to acquire a license for that newer version. Activating an Extension See the topic for details on activating a Manifold extension such as a, or extension. Installation on a Notebook Computer The Manifold End User License Agreement allows you to install your Manifold license both on a desktop machine and also on a portable computer used by you, so long as the two computers are not used at the same time.
Activating your license on a desktop computer and also on a portable computer will use up two activations. Two activations are required because each individual activation, that is, each individual Activation key, will get fetched by a different System ID that identifies that particular activation request. It is true that installing Manifold both on a desktop computer and also on a notebook computer will consume activations at a higher rate than installation only on one computer; however, that's the choice of the user. If you choose to install both on a desktop computer and also on a portable computer, make sure to take advantage of any special upgrade offers to avoid running out of activations. Important: You should wait at least 24 hours after getting an Activation key for your desktop machine before getting an Activation key using the same serial number to activate a Manifold license installed on your portable computer. If you don't wait 24 hours, you'll get the same Activation key back even though you used a different System ID for the portable computer.
The resultant Activation key, therefore, won't work. This problem is easy to avoid: simply wait at least 24 hours after using a serial number to activate Manifold on your desktop machine before using the same serial number to activate Manifold on your portable computer. Example 1 John Doe orders Manifold System via the Manifold Online Store on July 7. He receives an email with his serial number when his order is processed on July 8. A few days later he downloads the Manifold installation. He is then called away on a business trip before he has a chance to install Manifold.
He is not able to install Manifold System until 22 July. John logs in as Administrator for all of his installation and configuration activity with Manifold. When he launches Manifold for the first time on 22 July he is not sure exactly what to do about activation so he copies the serial number from the email sent to him and uses it to launch Manifold without activating his license. He feels he has plenty of time until August 8 to figure out what he wants to do before he needs to activate his license.
John works with several different computers. He installs Manifold on several different machines during his first few days of use to see if he needs to make any performance upgrades. He installs Manifold on his notebook computer as well. All of his machines run Windows Vista except his notebook computer, which still runs Windows XP. After a few days he decides to upgrade his notebook (finally) to Windows Vista. To assure a clean install of Windows he reformats the hard disk and installs Windows Vista and then he begins reloading his software. He re-installs Manifold, using his serial number.
Because it is not yet August 8, John can continue using his serial number to make as many preliminary installations as he wants without needing to activate his license. As August 8 draws near, John decides that he will use Manifold on his notebook computer and on his new desktop machine at the office. Every day that he launches Manifold the Activation dialog reminds him that he has only a few days left before he must activate his license. However, John is a procrastinator and gets involved in another project for a few days. The next time he works with Manifold is on August 12, a few days after the preliminary installation has expired.
When Manifold launches it tells John the preliminary installation period has expired and asks him to provide a serial number and Activation key. John realizes it is time to stop procrastinating and to activate his license. John launches Manifold on his desktop machine and activates his license via the web. He would like to use Manifold right away on his notebook computer, but he remembers reading the portions of this help topic that start with 'Important' in bright red letters. He waits a day and a half to be sure he is past the 24 delay period required to get a new Activation key using the same serial number. He then launches Manifold on his notebook computer and realizes that his notebook does not have a web connection. If his notebook computer had an Internet connection he could have activated his license over the web.
Instead, John will have to do a manual activation. John copies the System ID from the Activation dialog and pastes it into a text file that he saves to a zip drive plugged into one of his notebook computer's USB ports.
John unplugs his zip drive from the notebook computer and plugs it into his desktop computer. He opens the text file and copies the System ID. John visits the Manifold activation web site and provides his serial number and the System ID for his notebook computer. The activation web site obligingly spits out an Activation key.
John copies that Activation key to the text file in the zip drive along with a copy his serial number. John knows the Activation key is good for only 72 hours so he does not procrastinate this time. He makes use of it right away. John plugs the zip drive back into the notebook computer and copies his serial number (copied from the original email) together with the new Activation key into the Activation dialog to permanently install Manifold on the notebook. He now has a permanent installation on the two machines (a primary desktop machine and an optional portable computer) allowed him by the Manifold License.
After all this he has used two activations. He still has three activations left on his serial number should he ever need to reinstall Manifold.
Because John doesn't want to get confused about where his licensed software is residing (and because he's straight about honoring his software licenses) he takes a moment to uninstall Manifold from all the different systems he installed it to while experimenting during the preliminary installation period. No serial number or key is required to install or to uninstall Manifold System. A serial number or activation is required only to launch Manifold. After a year, John decides to upgrade to Windows 7.
John installs Windows 7 on his desktop computer and then (logging in as Administrator) re-installs Manifold System as well. He activates that Manifold installation. He still has two more Activation keys in case he ever needs to install Manifold again. For now, he does not install Windows 7 on his notebook computer. After another year, John purchases a new notebook computer with a hot new multi-core processor, built-in broadband cellular Internet and Windows 7 pre-installed. He installs Manifold on the new computer.
He now has only one original activation left on his serial number, but he knows he gets a free activation ever year and he can always buy more activations at a low price. John's not worried because he knows he will soon upgrade to the next edition of Manifold System, which will get him a new serial number and five more activations. After a few more months John decides to acquire a Surface Tools license.
He orders Surface Tools via the Online Store and the next day receives an email giving him a serial number for Surface Tools. Because John already has decided the computer on which he will run Surface Tools he decides to activate the package right away.
He logs in as Administrator, launches Manifold, launches the Help - Activate Extension dialog and copies and pastes the Surface Tools serial number into the dialog and then activates over the web. After restarting Manifold he is pleased to see the new Surface Tools features have been enabled. Example 2 Henry Doe, John's younger brother, a student, also acquires a copy of Manifold via the Online Store.
He pays no attention to the email he receives except to note the serial number. When Manifold arrives he installs it and then copies and pastes the serial number.
He does not activate the license. After a few weeks he decides it is time to get activated, but he does not 'trust' web-based activation and decides to manually get an Activation key from the Manifold activation web site. When the Activation dialog pops up he copies the serial number from the dialog and attempts to get an Activation key on the web site. This does not work because Henry has copied the masked version of the serial number from the dialog, which has X characters substituted at the end.
He is not using the original serial number sent to him by email. Henry, of course, has not read this topic so he thinks it is just fine to copy the masked version of the serial number from the Activation dialog. Henry emails tech support and swears he is copying and pasting the serial number accurately. Tech support responds by asking Henry a series of detailed questions, some of which check up on typical errors (one question asks if Henry copied the serial number from the original email or from the Activation dialog). Henry is offended that they would ask him to confirm such simple things so instead of reading the questions and responding accurately, Henry just skims the questions and emails a testy reply, 'Yes, I'm doing all that.' Manifold's experienced support personnel can tell right away that Henry isn't very good with details, so they ask him each question individually again in a different way and they ask him to give the exact serial number he is using.
As soon as they see the X characters at the end of the serial number they solve the problem. Henry copies the serial number from the original email, gets an Activation key and activates Manifold.
This experience transforms Henry for the better. Henry realizes that perhaps things will go better if he reads the manual instead of trying to 'wing it' all the time. He reads Manifold documentation every night and becomes an expert. His grades soar from C's to A's. He uses his newfound Manifold expertise to invent a new method for finding diamond-bearing Kimberlite pipes. He stakes claims on fabulously rich diamond properties and becomes very wealthy.
He marries a beautiful Hollywood actress who is entranced by his continued hobby of reading Manifold documentation in depth. His friends admire his ability to cite any Manifold Help topic from memory. [This paragraph contributed by Manifold tech support]. Example 3 Jane Doe orders Manifold System via the Online Store. She receives an email providing her with a serial number. Jane downloads the Manifold installation from the Product Downloads page and installs Manifold. The first time she launches the product, the Activation dialog pops up asking her for a serial number and Activation key.
She has forgotten about the serial number email message, but quickly finds it in her email inbox and pastes it into the Activation dialog. After a few more days she decides to permanently install the package so she activates Manifold over the web. After a few weeks of work, Jane encounters problems with her Windows system when an application she recently installed is not working properly. She decides to simplify her system to see what could be causing the problem by uninstalling some of the applications she has installed recently.
She uninstalls Manifold using the Windows Control Panel Add / Remove Programs dialog. Removing Manifold proves it is not the problem. After removing a few other applications she traces the problem to a freeware screen saver utility. After cursing lame freeware authors she removes the offending utility.
To re-install Manifold she installs it again from the installation file she previously downloaded. When she launches Manifold, it automatically launches without the need to enter a serial number or an Activation key since Manifold has already been permanently installed on this computer system. If Jane had re-installed Windows or made other substantial changes (such as rolling back her registry or other major alterations), she might have had to use up an activation to re-activate Manifold System, but since she has not made any major changes everything works automatically for her. A month or two later when Manifold launches it tells Jane that a new update is available. She downloads the update, uninstalls the previous version of Manifold and then installs the update following the update's installation instructions. Manifold launches without opening any activation dialog. Once again there is no need for Jane to enter a new serial number or to re-activate Manifold.
Internet Map Server When Manifold is running as an Internet Map Server (IMS) it will not raise the Activation dialog. Therefore, before attempting to use Manifold in IMS mode you must launch Manifold interactively at least once to provide a serial number for preliminary installation, or a serial number with activation for permanent installation. Alternately, you may use command line activation (see below) to provide a serial number and Activation key. Runtime Licenses Every Manifold installation will launch with the Activation dialog when it is first launched. When a serial number is provided during that first launch the Manifold installation will become the edition designated by that serial number. Providing a runtime serial number will configure that Manifold installation as a runtime edition. Because runtime licenses do not have a GUI once they are configured with a serial number they are normally activated when Manifold is first launched.
After a runtime license is configured with a runtime serial number, Manifold will not launch interactively so the Activation dialog will not appear during the 30 initial days of operation on serial number alone. After the first 30 days if a runtime license running on serial number alone is launched then the Activation dialog will be raised. This will enable re-entry of the serial number and activation. However, because it is a messy situation to launch a runtime license with a serial number alone and then have to wait for up to 30 days to get the Activation dialog back again, to avoid such hassles people will normally activate a runtime license the first time Manifold is launched.
Strictly speaking they don't have to, but it is such a common sense convenience that's what most people do. Command Line Activation Manifold may be activated from a Windows command line. Command line activation options are a relatively limited tool and are only intended to be used to switch editions of Manifold that are installed on the same machine or to force a non-interactive edition (such as a runtime or a License Server installation) to raise the Activation dialog. Command line activation allows some administrative tasks to be accomplished more easily: IT administrators may switch editions of Manifold installed on machines in their network using automated tools, without requiring manual action by users.
However, most IT administrators will use the product to simplify life even further. Application developers or Manifold IMS administrators using runtime editions or IT administrators using License Server editions may switch the edition of Manifold installed on a machine from a non-interactive license to a regular, interactive license, such as Professional Edition or Enterprise Edition. There are two command line switches for activation. One switch is for activation of Manifold System itself and the other switch is used to activate an extension: manifold.exe /activate:serial,key Activate Manifold System.
Manifold.exe /activateExt:serial,key Activate an extension. In the above, serial is the serial number and key is the Activation key.
Because a System ID must be noted in order to get an Activation key with a serial number, the user must be able to launch Manifold interactively at least once on a machine to obtain the System ID. Supplying an invalid serial number or a valid serial number without an Activation key will pop open the Activation dialog. This is a handy way of forcing a non-interactive Manifold installation to raise the Activation dialog so that the System ID may be obtained. For example, using the command line switch. is a new file sharing web service which gives you access to literally hundreds of thousands of direct downloads including software, games, movies, tv shows, mp3 albums, ebooks and more! Our downloads database is updated daily to provide the latest download releases on offer.
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