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Introduction For a lot of people who decide to visit Africa their main interest is to view the Wildlife. No other continent offers the same opportunities to see such diverse spectrum of wildlife often in very close proximity. Learning a little about the animals you may see before you travel will enhance your wildlife viewing experience greatly. Most people who hope to see the 'BIG 5'. The Big Five refers to five of Africa's greatest wild animals -,,, and. Did you Know? Some interesting facts about African Wildlife There are over 1,100 different species of mammals in Africa and over 2,600 species of birds.
Four of the five fastest land animals live in Africa - fastest is the at 70 mph,, and Thomson's gazelle all about 50 mph. Butterfly Having a wingspan of only ½', the smallest butterfly in the world is found in South Africa.
It is know as the Dwarf Blue Butterfly. Chameleons is the home of the worlds largest as well as the smallest chameleons! Almost half of the worlds chameleon species live on the island of Madagascar. Elephants The African is the largest living land mammal.
An elephant can weigh 6 - 7 tons and has no natural enemies. An elephant drinks up to 160 liters of water per day. An African elephant possesses such 'manual' dexterity in his/her trunk tip that he/she can actually turn the pages of a book with it. Fish The only place where shoals of fresh water sardines are found is in Lake Tanganyika. Download Free Software Inkspot Illustration Program Free. Frogs The world's biggest frog is found in the. Named the goliath frog, their body can be one-foot long. Giraffes The tongue of a giraffe can be as long as 45cm.
Have the same number of vertebrae in their necks as humans, seven in total, but much larger. Giraffes are 6ft tall when they are born. It's thought that the Giraffes neck has grown so long due to the males mating battles. During battle they whip each other with their necks and heads, the winner and eventual mate usually being the one landing the harder blows, enhanced by a slightly longer neck. Goliath Beetle The world's largest and heaviest beetle, the Goliath Beetle is found in tropical Africa. It can reach a length of 5 inches and weigh up to ¼ lb. Gorillas The Gorilla is the largest of the living primates, male gorillas weigh up to 200kg, yet are shy and retiring vegetarians.
Lions are unique in that they are the only cats to live in groups (prides). They are the largest member of the cat family and the largest of all the African carnivores. They are are the top predator in any African ecosystem where they live. The roar of a lion can be heard over 8 kilometers away. Nile Crocodiles The Nile crocodile is Africa's largest living reptile - growing to an average length of 5m. Penguins has a penguin colony, which thrives thanks to the cold Antarctic currents on the west coast near the Cape. Seals The largest seal colony in the southern hemisphere is at Cape Cross in.
Download >>Read Online >>who infant feeding guidelines iycf guidelines pdf iycf training manual iycf guidelines ppt iycf guidelines 2016 ppt iycf guidelines on complementary feeding iycf definition iycf guidelines 2017 organisations would utilise this practical instrument of National Guidelines on Infant and. Young Child Feeding and. Exclusive breastfeeding provides babies with the best start in life. It makes them smarter with. Child feeding (IYCF) at the highest policy making level and integrate IYCF concerns in existing policies and national policy/strategy level, health services, and community. The document provides strategic WHO/UNICEF Planning Guide for National Implementation of the Global Strategy for IYCF, with additional detailed and recommended key IYCF action areas at scale in a comprehensive manner.
For each component, the. 8 Aug 2016 PROCESS: The Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics invited a group of experts for National Consultative Meet for discussing and contributing on latest scientific advances The guidelines were finalized during the IYCNCON 2015 at New Delhi in August 2015. For the best start in life 17 February 2015; Delayed umbilical cord clamping for improved maternal and infant health and nutrition outcomes.
Guideline 31 December 2014; Effect and safety of infant and young child health and nutrition 3 June 2013; Combined course on growth assessment and IYCF counselling - Slides Every infant and child has the right to good nutrition according to the 'Convention on the Rights of the Child'. Undernutrition is associated with 45% of child deaths. Globally in 2016, 155 million children under 5 were estimated to be stunted (too short for age), 52 million were estimated to be wasted (too thin for height), and December 2015 - Version 2.0. Update from Previous 2008 IYCF-E. Emergency contexts. Nito Installer Download Windows more. • Support should be provided to ensure national IYCF-E policies and technical guidelines are in place The protection, promotion and support of good nutrition and child development in emergency and non-emergency contexts is at 14 Nov 2017 Accelerating interventions aimed at improving infant and young child feeding (IYCF) at community level is a key priority in the effort to improve survival, growth, with relevant knowledge and skills on the recommended breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices for children from 0 up to 24 months, Human Milk Banking.
Guidelines 2015. Formulated & Recommended. Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Chapter of. Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) &. Human Milk Banking Association.
President: Dr. Secretaries: Dr.
Satish Tiwari, Dr. Jayant Shah & Dr. Project Incharge: Dr. Balraj Singh Uganda Policy. The critical value of optimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) has been recognised for decades, and over the last 25 years tremendous. Exclusive breastfeeding should be recommended for infants of HIV.
Reduction of infant mortality by two-thirds by 2015.16 Ensuring optimal IYCF. All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorized without any prior written permission.
Feeding needs. Detailed IYCF surveys. Standardised Expanded Nutrition. Module 3: Infant and. Young Child Feeding, version 2.
UNHCR, 2013.,,,,.