7 Steps To Freedom Ben Suarez Pdf 4,6/5 9986reviews

I deleted a post at the Original Poster's request. However, I spent time answering the post as it referred to a book, SuperBiz by Ben Suarez.
By Eugene Schwartz Available from Boardroom Books (212) 239-9000. How To Write A Good Advertisement - by Vic Schwab Available from the Wilshire Book Company (213) 875-1711. 7 Steps To Freedom - by Ben Suarez Available from the Suarez Corporation (216) 494-4282. My Life In Advertising - by Claude Hopkins. An exclusive example from our swipe file. American Rat Race Ad by Ben Suarez - one of the many profitable marketing & rare copywriting examples from our huge archive.
So, here is a little history lesson for the newer members: OK, here is today's history lesson. Then, this afternoon, look for a post called Somewhere East of ElPaso. SuperBiz (SB) was about the third orfourth How to Start a Business book which Ben did, they kept evolvingand SB evolved into 7 Steps to Freedom and then 7 Steps to FreedomII. I believe SB was given to a fewvisitors whom I hosted many years ago, perhaps Duane Adolph canconfirm, I can't remember.not even breakfast which I just gotthrough eating, HA!
The Sales Generation System evolvedinto the NPGS, Net Profit Generator System. This has four parts to it: Prospect Product Promotion Media You analyze each part and look for a 10in each one.
If you have 10 in each of the four parts, you've got agood shot at having a winner. Each part is equal, despite what someof the Internet Marketing Copywriters will tell you of THEIRimportance in your success.
I did an update in 2008of 7 Steps to Freedom II, it was a pdf version with mostly Internetrelated application of the NPGS. It never was sold because at thattime the IT department was in flux, and they couldn't figure out howto sell a digital product with their batch processing methodology. I found this ironic becausein the books Ben talks about how a small entrepreneur can beat agiant corporation by being able to get things done quickly withoutthe use of committees, discussions, approvals, etc. His company is,in my opinion, the very corporation he described in the books as onea small potatoes, lone ranger type of Entrepreneur could beat day inand day out. Anyhow, Back in 97, when I did anedit of 7 Steps to Freedom II, he was discussing the digitalproduct, which they have never been able to create or sell.
At thetime I was the featured writer on the NPGS UPDATE HOTLINE and this one I've linked towas the most popular of the newsletters. It was 20 years of Biz-Ops.
Well, around about thattime, one of our subscribers was a guy named Marlon Sanders, perhapsyou've heard of him? And he wrote about his gang testing method hewas using on AOL, CompuServe and the other pioneer Internet places. If you've read Marlon's AMAZING FORMULA, you might recognize theNPGS influence.
Anyhow, shortly afterreceiving Marlon's letter and publishing it in the NPGS UPDATEHOTLINE, I started my own Internet activity and the first week onlineI sold a few products, The Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Courseand made my first $1,000.00 in the first week. And thought, goodgolly Molly, this stuff works. It didn't come quite as easy afterthat, but, I was sold on Internet as the MEDIA in which to sell mydigital products, and I believe, before I sold them all, that I hadsomewhere in the neighborhood of 25+ digital products. Now let me back up and tellyou the story, AGAIN, for those that may be new to SowPub. I attended a seminar atWalsh College put on by Ben and at the end of the seminar, he offeredme a job from the stage. If you come across anycopies of The Professional Remote Direct Marketing Home Study Course,you'll see me doing the introduction and Ben at the end, offering mea job, which I, at first, turned down.
Once I did accept his offer,then I got a world class education in Direct Response Marketing. Oneof my assignments as a writer for the newsletter was to reviewproduct submissions and also to daily go into a room known as SeedWorld, where over a 100 million dollars worth of promotions reside.These promotions included everything Ben had ever done, or one of hiscompanies as well as ANYONE who was promoting via Direct Response. Smead Hanging File Tab Template there. This was the basis for my 20 years of Biz-Op newsletters. Now I should mention I wassomewhat known in the Biz-Op field prior to working for Ben, I got myinitial when I met Joe Karbo at his 'office' at SunsetBeach back in 1975. He gave me contacts in Akron, OH which I tookadvantage of, and through these guys met Gary Halbert at about thetime he was mentoring Ben Suarez. But back to SuperBiz.
Busch Mink Vacuum Pump Manual more. Ilike this edition the best, because it leaves out the minute detailof 7 Steps, which is, literally, a college class textbook, and weknow how boring those can be. It is one of the best realistic bookson starting a business and managing it once it becomes successful,but, I've found for us small-potato, fly-low and collect-the-doughtypes, SuperBiz has all the relevant information you need. SuperBiz came out around thesame time as Harvey Brody's course, which was one of the moreexpensive courses on the market at the time. I've writtenextensively about how Gary Halbert, Ben Suarez, Jay Abraham, JoeKarbo, Joe Sugarman, et al, etc.
Attended or studied the HarveyBrody material. OK and alrighty then.History lesson over.
IF you can wrap your headaround the NPGS four parts, Prospect Product Promotion Media and create and/or acquire aproduct that is a 10 for a prospect with a high passion index whowants/needs the product and you write a good PROMOTION and get infront of said prospect at the right time in the right place with theright offer you've got a good shot at achieving the FREED OMwritten about in these books. Next up.enough with thehistory.what's happening TODAY. Be sure to read the post,Somewhere East of El Paso. Gordon 'Snidely'Alexander, Remote Direct Marketing Historian and keeper of the keys.
Name Product: Ben Suarez – 7 Steps to Freedom II: Remote Direct Marketing Professional Home Study Course COST: $399 Author: Ben Suarez Size: 6.63 GB Actually I didn’t know this existed Ben Suarez is not selling seminar seats What he did with his knowledge is he created The Suarez Corporation – over 100 mln $ a year company. By many – The 7 Steps to Freedom is THE BEST book on direct marketing ever.
Now – let’s see the seminar (looks like it’s VHS-rip) I have included PDF version of his book – but I edition, not II ed. Ben Suarez has written the best “how to” book for anyone wanting to start and build a sucessful mail order or direct response business. Suarez reveals many step-by-step formulas for selecting products, testing the market for a new product idea, writing great ads and direct mail letters, and so much more. This is an incredible book! Suarez used to have a job, then went to work for Gary Halbert in the early 1970s. He took what he learned from Halbert and started his own companywhich he has grown to over $120,000,000 in annual sales.
He is a great teacher as well. Very methodical.
Very thorough. If you want to study one of the best copyriters and business builders of our time, you must study this book. DOWNLOAD Mirror 1.